Monday, July 21, 2008

Trip to Utah

We just got home from our annual summer trip to Utah. It started out somber as we were lucky enough to go to our friends funeral. Jason drove over with us and then flew back on Sunday. The funeral was Saturday Morning and as far as funerals go it was good. It was nice hearing the stories from friends and family. After it was over we head to Lehi to stay with Sherry and Papa Ryan for the night. We had a BBQ and had some quality hanging out time with our much missed Colorado now Utah Fam. Now I grew up in Utah and I don't remember it being this hot. Maybe kids don't feel temperature like us old people. The week was just a little warm. We visit some of our favorite places, most of them involving water (as to not die from the heat)! We went to Wheeler Farm to see the animals and play in the canals. We went to the Gardens at Thanksgiving Point and played in the fountains with our friends the Fenn's and Martindale's. I got to go to the American Idol Concert with one of my oldest and dearest friends Tami. We had a blast. I was out numbered in the home town of the archie fans cheering for David Cook. The girls hardly stopped screaming for Archuleta making it very hard to hear him sing. We went to Seven Peaks and chilled in the wave pool with Grandma and Aunt Kristen. Liberty park to see the 7 canyons water area with our long lost Colorado friends the Bee's. We even went to Classic Skating and Water Slides in Sandy, which brought back many memories for mom. I still can't believe that place is still there and kicking. All in all we were exhausted when it came time for the drive home but had loads of summer fun!

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