Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Our Dear Friend Teryn

Today we found out that our dear friend Teryn died last week. Jason has known him since he was in 2nd grade. He was one of the kindest most generous people that I have ever met. Since we moved to Colorado 9 years ago and he moved to New Jersey 5 years ago our visit have been few and far in between. But we will never forget him and his contagious laugh and spirit. We were lucky enough last September to go to NYC for our 10 year anniversary and spend some time with him and his beautiful family. A day in NYC was always funner with Teryn as your guide. We went on the Staten Island Ferry, the 911 site, the Empire State Building and Washington Square Park. Ate lunch at some crazy organic sandwich board place ( who knows what it really was) and all survived. Did some shopping in Times Square, went to some crazy expensive Italian restaurant where we talked some business and wrote dinner off to his company. Ended the perfect day by Seeing Curtains on Broadway. It's hard to believe that it was our last time seeing our friend in this world. How grateful we are for the atonement and the knowledge that we will see him again some day. We send his wife Xenia and his beautiful daughter Alexis our love support always. We love you Teryn!

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