Friday, April 24, 2009

Soccer rules our life these Days!

Landon wanted to give Soccer a go this year and since Aaron just finished up basketball we thought WHY not. This has now become our life for the next 7 weeks. He has 2 games a week plus a practice in the middle. Lucky for us the weather hasn't been too bad and he is playing with one of his best friends Ammon so there are friends to keep us occupied. He is loving soccer and is surprisingly pretty good. At his first game he scored 2 goals and had 2 assists. Since then he has always scored at least one goal sometimes two. At this age it's hard because only about 1/2 of the kids really know how to or want to play. I'm glad that he has find something that he is good at and enjoys. Too bad it means going to the park 3 days a week right at dinner time. I guess for 7 weeks we will survive until it starts again in the fall! So if you call and were not home you now know where were out!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Happy Easter!

On Saturday night we colored Easter Eggs. I remember thinking that this was fun when I was a kid. But oh my gosh it's messy. Dylan went to bed with multi-colored hands and might be going to church that way too. We woke up Sunday morning, April 12th to snow a lot of snow. We have 8:30 church so we waited until we got home for the Eater festivities. While we were at church it continued to snow so by the time we were done we had a lot of snow for mid April. When we got home the kids raced to find their Easter Baskets and the hidden eggs. They had a lot of fun until mean Mom made them have lunch before candy! We had our friends the Moore's and the Hoffman's over for Dinner We had a great time visiting while the kids played. The meal was wonderful. Something nice about only having to prepare part of a meal. Sometimes we miss having family around come Holidays but it sure helps to have great friends! Happy Easter to Everyone!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Spring Break in Utah

The kids and I went to Utah for a week of spring break. We had a lot of fun catching up with friends. We were able to go to Baleigh's baptism. I am not so good at taking pictures when it's just me and all the kids but we did get a few at the Tree house museum and a few are from my camera so sorry about the quality. We met one of my best friends Bryn and her kids there at let the kids run wild. They all had a lot of fun. Thanks to all our Utah friends for making time to see us. We hope to see ya soon again!
Talise Lindorf, Aaron and Baleigh Ames
These are the only pictures I got at the Baptism. I forgot the camera so used my phone. Talise is Aaron and Baleigh's friend from Colorado and Baleigh is the one that got baptised.

This is chewie in his car seat. Yes I know why does the dog need a car seat? Well he likes to be on my lap and the Cops do not appreciate that so to keep him out of the way i bought him this. It hooks over the seat and to his collar. He didn't love it but it kept him safe!

Landon sleeping with Chewie!

Playing the huge drums at the museum.

In the oval office at the museum. They are counting the days till they get to go to the real white house in June.

Dylan driving the Fire Truck!

The outfit to go with the Truck!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Random Pictures

Dylan loves the camera. He loves posing for pictures and torturing the animals with the camera. Here are a few random pictures from the last few months!

Daddy sleeping with chewie on a sunday afternoon!

Dylan falls asleep in the most random place. This is where we found him when we got home from the movies the other day!

Aaron thinks he is a gangster I guess!

chewie not looking very happy about getting his picture taken.

Laying on the kitchen rug??? Who knows!

Hiding in the laundry basket from Dad. I guess he wanted some company!

Chewie was having a nap until FLASH!!!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Pinewood Derby

It was Aaron's first Pinewood Derby. Aaron decide that he wanted a skateboard. Jason and Aaron had a lot of fun making the skateboard. His skateboard was not the fastest car but he still had a lot of fun racing with his friends. Next year I think I'll make Jason read a book and start a few week earlier. We didn't get any really great pictures ( I put Jason in charge of the camera) But here's what we got.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Merry Christmas!

This was the 1st time in a long time that we were actually home for Christmas and our 1st time without any family around. On Christmas Eve we took the kids to the movies to see Bolt and then to an early dinner. When we got home the kids got to open their Christmas PJ's which were all Batman and we made sure the stocking were hung and put out the milk and cookies for Santa. Aaron and Landon had reindeer food that they had made at school so we sprinkled it on the front grass. Then it was off to bed! This was also the 1st year that our kids figured out that they can get up early on Christmas morning. I guess we have been lucky until now. So we were all up at 6 am. The kids were so excited to open presents and it's so fun to see them. The older boys got a game table from Santa and Dylan got a jeep. It was also the year of the Bakugan and Dylan got some new cars and a little black puppy. We had a wonderful morning opening gifts and put things together. Later that evening our wonderful friends the Hoffman's came over for dinner. Almost as good as having family around. We are keeping their kids for the next few days so they can go to a wedding in Texas. We spent the evening playing Mario Cart. Sad to say but the kids are better then most of the adults. It was a wonderful Christmas day!