Monday, January 5, 2009

Merry Christmas!

This was the 1st time in a long time that we were actually home for Christmas and our 1st time without any family around. On Christmas Eve we took the kids to the movies to see Bolt and then to an early dinner. When we got home the kids got to open their Christmas PJ's which were all Batman and we made sure the stocking were hung and put out the milk and cookies for Santa. Aaron and Landon had reindeer food that they had made at school so we sprinkled it on the front grass. Then it was off to bed! This was also the 1st year that our kids figured out that they can get up early on Christmas morning. I guess we have been lucky until now. So we were all up at 6 am. The kids were so excited to open presents and it's so fun to see them. The older boys got a game table from Santa and Dylan got a jeep. It was also the year of the Bakugan and Dylan got some new cars and a little black puppy. We had a wonderful morning opening gifts and put things together. Later that evening our wonderful friends the Hoffman's came over for dinner. Almost as good as having family around. We are keeping their kids for the next few days so they can go to a wedding in Texas. We spent the evening playing Mario Cart. Sad to say but the kids are better then most of the adults. It was a wonderful Christmas day!

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